A School for Good and Evil

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A School for Good and Evil By Soman Chainani was by far one of the best books that I have ever read. I had been in a reading slump for a hot minute when this book piqued my interest. It immediately trapped me in this spell and I could not put it down for weeks. Now as I talk about this book I know it is a little late for me to post it here but I read it a few weeks before I started this blog and I want to make sure every book ends up on this blog one way or another. I am currently reading the second book of this series. this book took me out of a reading spell that I had been stuck in for over half this year. I re-sparked my love for reading and even led me to start this blog on reviews and reading. 
    This book may be for kids but if you love fantasy you should pick this book up. Now as you are looking at you may think that it’s just a normal run-of-the-mill prince and princess book that has retailing of your favorite storybook characters or that it is a knock-off of Ever After High or Descendents. well, My dear friends you would be wrong this book introduces you to a whole new world entirely. Soman did a wonderful job sucking you in and not letting you go. I actually cried when I finished this book because I did not want this book to ever end. The level of description that went into this book and its characters was so amazing that I felt like I was already there and living life with them. I felt myself in the story fighting alongside Agatha and Sophia. It was a wonderful book with amazingly written characters. now sadly I love just about everything I read so its hard for me to find things to say negatively but I really have none about this except how do I get into the School for Good and Evil. 

    if you love fantasy or romance or I think thatch how you say it then I suggest that you read it. if you like like harry potter or books set in a school this would be a good one for you as well because its set in two different schools. If you like books that are about fairy tales then this would also be right up your ally. I say everyone that love fantasy or fiction should at one point try this book. Now of course I know it won’t be everyones cup of tea but at least try it!

goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/friend/i?feature=friend-invite-url&invite_token=MjVmNTMwNDMtNTU5OS00NmQxLWJlMjYtM2E4NDJmYWUxM2E2

instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cat.momma.book.reviews?igsh=ZXpmc2NoNjFweWVy

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